Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library contains 259 594 digital objects
Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library
Within the framework of the Scientific Libraries Consortium of the Kujawsko-Pomorski Region, Nicolaus Copernicus University Library in Toruń has started a long-term project to build a digital library called the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library. The first phase of the project implementation (2005-2006) was financed by EU Structural Funds and the first huge collections were created in the end of 2006.
The main aim of the project is to create a regional digital library to support the development of an intellectual and innovative potential of the society, to make a quick access to information and knowledge content possible, and to protect valuable documents of the region and national literature works.
Groups of collections held:
- Science Collection including digital copies of selected handbooks, monographs and scientific articles from the region.
- Cultural Heritage Collection including digital copies of the most valuable and the most frequently items: incunabula, old prints, manuscripts, iconographical collections, cartographical items, emigrational collections, etc.
- Regional Collection collecting digital copies of: regional publications, leaflets, posters, playbills, photographs, invitations, exhibition catalogues and trade fairs of the region.
- Music Collection digital copies of scores.
- Maps Collection digital copies of selected maps of the region.
- Other Collections
Expected results
- Easier access to chosen publications (monographs, scientific articles, manuals, academic textbooks) for the users within and outside the region;
- Improved quality of full-time studies and e-learning;
- Enabled common access to the sources of information stored in libraries and archives (archival prints, scores, manuscripts, casual prints), which up till now for the sake of security have been made available for exceptionally few groups of people;
- Making digital copies of the most valuable items stored in libraries, museums and archives;
- Improved access to libraries electronic catalogues and bibliographies;
- Easier access to all library materials within the Kujawsko-Pomorski region;
- Equipment and program integration platform, as well as operating costs reduction.
Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library is to serve scientists, students, schoolchildren and all the citizens of the region. Its development will depend on all librarians engaged in the project and the authors, who would want to place their works in a digital library. In the future it will also depend also on institutions, which would wish to enlarge their holdings of other collections important for the region. The Nicolaus Copernicus University Library is open to all proposals that would enrich the digital base of this digital library.