Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library contains 259 780 digital objects
To Authors and Publishers
Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library (KPDL) Author’s Works/Contributions Submission Policy
- Authors, especially those from the kujawsko-pomorskie region, may submit their works/contributions after they have signed an author licence specifying the terms and conditions of their access online.
- Publishers may give consent to deposit their publication/contribution in the Digital Library after they have signed a publisher’s licence specifying the terms of and conditions of its access online.
- The licence contract shall be made in two identical copies, signed and sent by post to the closest project partner.
- Only works/contributions satisfying the deposit acquisition criteria adopted by the KPDL shall be accepted.
- Prior to making the work/contribution accessible, digital library editors check if all formal requirements (author’s and publisher’s consent) have been met.
- If the author has entered into agreement with a publisher concerning the same work and the same exploitation field (the Internet), he/she must carefully analyze the conditions of the contract signed.
- If the digital library receives well-founded evidence of copyright violation, the previously accessible work in question shall be immediately withdrawn and placed in the ‘No access’ repository.
- Upon signing a licence to KPDL, any author or publisher may give their consent to adopt a Creative Commons copyright licence.
The author and the Publisher may adopt a Creative Commons copyright licence. All Creative Common licences are of international character and have been designed specifically for the Internet. We wish to encourage our authors/contributors to apply them because they give clear and straightforward information on how the particular work made accessible on the Internet may be legally used by all those who access it. Authors/contributors who decide to adopt a CC licence is kindly requested to contact his/her closest project partner or coordinator in order to discuss all details, selects the appropriate kind of CC licence to be applicable to his work/contribution.
The Creative Commons organization has released several open licences enabling the author to share his work with others while simultaneously securing his/her own copyright. Creative Commons licences follow the some rights reserved principle, therefore the extent to which the work accessible might be freely used is much greater than that specified by the all rights reserved formula. Creative Commons respects the creator’s right to specify to which extent he/she wishes to share his/her work with others or which rights to reserve and which to waive. At the same time the organization encourage contributors to create common culture, whose elements might be freely shared by all.